1·This cannot leave the combination of tourist resources and development, the design of traveling lines plan.
2·Lines and curves are the basic building blocks of two dimensional shapes like a house's plan.
3·With this dialogue we are laying, brick by brick, the foundation of a stronger relationship - improving lines of communication; increasing understanding; setting priorities; and creating a work plan.
4·With this dialogue we are laying, brick by brick, the foundation of a stronger relationship -improving lines of communication; increasing understanding; setting priorities; and creating a work plan.
5·Yucho and Kampo plan to enter higher-yielding lines of business such as housing loans and new types of insurance, but the civil servants who work there have little experience in evaluating risk.
6·The it team went to the lines of business to develop a plan for implementing quotas to minimize the risks to the user communities.
7·Earlier this year Representative Paul Ryan famously introduced a plan to convert Medicare into a voucher system; Mr. Romney's Medicare proposal follows similar lines.
8·This step is performed throughout the life of the project and ensures that the work results lines up with the schedule plan.
9·That is why Mr Obama must soon set out his own grand plan, along the lines so nearly adopted at Camp David in 2000 and elaborated as the "Clinton parameters" shortly after the talks failed.
10·This week Congress reached a deal on a stimulus plan that encourages the construction of yet more power lines.